London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of Westminster 1956

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Westminster, City of]

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During the year 41 burials were undertaken by the City Council in
its cemetery at Hanwell, the requests for such burials being received
from the following sources:—
H.M. Coroner's Officer 19
Relatives of the deceased 13
Friends of the deceased 2
Hospitals in the City 6
General Practitioner 1
Coroner's Court and Mortuary.
During 1956, 318 bodies were received in the Mortuary on Coroner's
Warrants, etc. Eight bodies were admitted to await burial.
of Cases.
Inquest cases 123
Non-inquest cases 195
Post mortem examinations held 249
Causes of death in the foregoing were as under:—
Accidental drowning 1
Found drowned 10
Suicide by drowning 5
„ by other means 34
Street 14
Domestic 14
Others 12
Natural causes 198
Misadventure 11
Murder 2
Miscellaneous cases 17