London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of Westminster 1956

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Westminster, City of]

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Fish and fish products 58
Flavourings and colourings 42
Flour 13
Fruit, canned, dried, etc. 26
Gelatine 2
Herbs 4
Ice cream 65
Jams, marmalades and preserves 72
Margarine 22
Malt beverage 2
Meat and meat products 44
Milk 401
Milk (dirty bottles) 2
Milk, condensed and evaporated 12
Pickles and sauces 59
Pie filling, pies and pastry shortening 13
Poultry and poultry products 6
Saccharin 7
Salad dressing 15
Sausages 5
Sausage rolls 6
Soft drinks, fruit juice, etc. 70
Soup and soup powders 24
Spreads, various 9
Spirits 71
Suet 8
Sugar 6
Tea 18
Vegetables, tinned, etc. 26
Vinegar 14
Wines 2
Yogurt 3
Yeast extract 3
Miscellaneous 20
Food and Drugs Act, 1955—Section 16.
Registration of Premises used in connection with the Manufacture,
Sale or Storage of Ice Cream.
Two hundred and forty three premises were registered for the manufacture
and/or sale and/or storage of ice cream.
Registration of Premises used for the Preparation or Manufacture of
Preserved Foods.
Eighty premises were registered for the preparation or manufacture
of preserved foods.