London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of Westminster 1953

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Westminster, City of]

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Civil Defence in 1953.
The Civil Defence duties assigned to the Medical Officer of Health
are mortuary service, decontamination and salvage of food, cleansing
of contaminated persons, and health and medical services in public
shelters. A comprehensive scheme has been prepared for the mortuary
service based on the experience of the last war. A number of the
Council's officers have been trained in the administration of war-time
mortuaries and premises have been earmarked for this purpose. A
scheme has also been drawn up based on civil defence requirements in
the last war for the decontamination and salvage of food, and a site has
been earmarked as a treatment centre. The City Council's Public
Analysts have agreed to undertake the examination of contaminated