London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of Westminster 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Westminster, City of]

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Only one staff change has been made during the year, and that of
considerable importance. Mr. W. D. Sambrook, who had been assistant
to the Public Health Committee Clerk in the Town Clerk's Department
for many years and had thus gained extensive experience in public health
administration, was appointed to the post of chief clerk of the Public
Health Department on the retirement of Mr. A. Wise.
Mr. Wise had been in the Public Health Department, not only of the
City Council but of the Vestry of St. Margaret and St. John, since 1892,
and was promoted to the post of chief clerk in 1930. He had thus completed
42 years' service.
During the year 57 reports, both routine and special, were submitted
by me to Committees of the Council. The correspondence of the
department included 18,691 incoming communications and 16,666
In conclusion, I would express my sincere thanks to the Public Health
Committee and to its Chairman, Councillor F. R. Ridley, J.P., the
Vice-Chairman, Councillor 6. F. Jerdein; the Chairman of the Public
Health and Expenditure Sub-Committee, Councillor H. S. E. Vanderpant;
and Councillor Mrs. F. M. Odone, Chairman of the Maternity and Child
Welfare Sub-Committee, for much personal kindness, helpfulness, and
invariable consideration. The staff deserve commendation and appreciation
for their work in the various branches of the department.
I have the honour to be,
Your obedient servant,
August, 1935.