London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of Westminster 1908

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Westminster, City of]

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(a) Restaurants of all kinds, including ham and beef shops and pork
butchers' premises where food is cooked for sale, fried fish
shops, &c.
(b) Places where potted meats are prepared.
(e) Places where ices and mineral-waters (aerated and non-aerated)
are prepared.
Maps have been prepared, and are here reproduced, showing the
distribution of these premises in the City. Milkshops not serving light
refreshments, and public-houses where food is not prepared for sale,
have not been included. The majority of the 1,033 premises are
grouped in the northern part of the City, chiefly in the area of the
Strand Parliamentary Borough. The inspection begun by Inspector
Dee has been continued by Inspector Sanderson, with the result that
988 premises were inspected, and 1,963 visits of re-inspection were
paid ; 862 defects were found in 411 of these premises, and may be
summarised under the following headings:—
General dirty condition of premises 10
Walls and ceilings requiring cleansing 295
Defective ventilation of kitchens 75
Gas stoves used for cooking purposes requiring special
ventilated hoods to carry off fumes 38
Food stored so as to be liable to contamination 25
Water-closets connected directly with:—
Kitchens, larders, or dining rooms 77
(a) Not ventilated to external air 14
(b) Defective, without water, or dirty 49
(c) Absence of separate accommodation 10
Defects in drains, waste pipes, and fittings 144
Refuse bins without proper covers or in improper
positions 23
Accumulation of refuse 18
Absence of proper water supply 4
Dirty cisterns 22
Floors defective 5
Overcrowding 1
Persons sleeping in kitchens 12
Statutory notices were served in 19 instances, and police court proceedings
had to be taken in 3 cases, mentioned below.
The action of the Council in endeavouring to secure healthy conditions
in restaurant kitchens and other places where food is prepared has
been fortified by Parliament having granted the subjoined powers:—