London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hanover Square 1869

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hanover Square, The Vestry of the Parish of Saint George]

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the way indicated, subject, of course, to variation of religious
Table IV. shows the establishments which have been
Two hundred and fifty-two observations were made
during the year upon the six gases supplied by the Chartered,
London, and Equitable Companies, at No. 40, Parliament
Street, No. 73, Bessborough Street, and 78, Cambridge
Street, respectively.
The gases were burned in accordance with the Metropolis
Gas Act, 1860, and the illuminating power continued above
the standard required by the Act.
With respect to purity all the gases were free from
sulphuretted hydrogen, and so far free from ammonia, that
they did not discolour the turmeric paper, except on April
23rd, 1868, when the common gas of the Chartered Company
; on December 23rd, 1868, when the common gas of
the London Company; on January 12th, 1869, when the
cannel gas of the Equitable Company; on January 20th,
March 3rd and 24th, when the common gas of the London
Company, presented traces of ammonia.
I reported to the Vestry on November 5th, 1868, that,
in consequence of the Gas Light and Coke Company's, and
the City of London Gas Acts having come into operation,
my functions of Gas Examiner of the Chartered Company's
Gas had ceased. For, under the 109th section of the former,
the Metropolitan Board exercise the same power in the
Chartered Company's district outside the City as the Corporation
of the City of London do within the City; and the
third section of the City Act repeals certain sections of the
Metropolitan Gas Act, I860, including that of the appointment
of a Gas Examiner by the Local authority, and section