London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hanover Square 1864

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hanover Square, The Vestry of the Parish of Saint George]

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Ditto shut up 2
Water-closets and soil-pipes repaired 19
Leaky roof repaired 1
Traps supplied 1
Urinal removed 1
Dung nuisance abated 3
Drains cleansed 11
Effluvia from gas abated 3
New dust-pits 2
Yard cleansed and limewhited 1
Ventilation 3
Leakage remedied 4
Houses shut-up 2
Cesspools abolished 6
Horse removed 1
Inhabited stables newly drained by pipes 8
Defective boiler repaired 1
Ditto pipe repaired 1
Overcrowding abated; families removed 2
Slaughter-houses limewashed 2
Number of Notices served 34
Legal proceedings 3
Seventy-two observations were made during the quarter,
upon the six gases supplied by the Chartered, London, and
Equitable Companies, in Horseferry-road, 73, Bessboroughstreet,
and 78, Cambridge-street, respectively.
The gases were burned in accordance with the Metropolis
Gas Act, 1860, and the illuminating power continued above