London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hanover Square 1859

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hanover Square, The Vestry of the Parish of Saint George]

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a regular revival of vaccination, so as to diminish the
number of persons capable of taking the disease and
propagating it.
Accordingly, the different parochial schools were
visited; with the result of finding two unvaccinated
children in the Curzon Schools; a few at St. Mark's, and
many at the Roman Catholic School in Davies Mews.
The next point was to beat up the parents and gain their
consent; and in the case of the poor Irish children in the
school in Davies Mews, this was materially facilitated by
the authority of their clergyman; and then Mr. Jay, the
District Vaccinator, was good enough to attend at the
school with Dr. Druitt, and operated on 15 children at
St. Mark's, of whom 4 had not been vaccinated before:
and on 21 in Davies Mews, of whom 10 had not been
It is intended to repeat this visitation periodically,
and by so doing the number of unvaccinated, or illvaccinated
children will be kept under; at the same time
it is bare justice to say, that every case in which the
operation had been neglected, was one in which the
people had migrated into, and were not regular denizens
of, this parish. Lancashire Court is at present garrisoned
by the Irish, who are much at home in that dark and
dilapidated sepulchre for the living.
III. In the next place we give some details of cases
dealt with during the quarter.
New Bond Street, No. 161. These premises, consisting
of the residence and cellars of an eminent winemerchant,
are situated just in the angle formed by New
Bond Street and the north side of Grafton Street, and
behind both. The cellars were incessantly wet, the