London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hanover Square 1857

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hanover Square, The Vestry of the Parish of Saint George]

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and a stench existed in the coach house, although the stable
was clean and well painted, in fact, it appeared the cleanest
of all; but on further examination, a cesspool, 15 feet deep,
was discovered, the contents of which readily percolated into
the earth, because it was constructed without proper brickwork
at the bottom. The landlord was quite unacquainted
with the fact, and at once agreed to have it rectified upon
receiving intimation of the nuisance.
A great advantage would have accrued to the property
near these stables, if the sewer, already existing in Ebury
Mews, had been prolonged to Elizabeth Street, and drains
made into it instead of their passing under the houses in
front; a plan which might now be carried out, if each landlord
could be induced to pay his share towards this object.
The Rev. J. H. Hamilton has frequently complained of
the present arrangement, and would gladly contribute his proportion
for making this alteration. Indeed, the system of
carrying drainage under houses at all, is much to be deprecated,
but at present it is, generally, unavoidable.
The Belgrave Dock was nearly empty, with stinking
mud exposed to the action of the air, and the water in a
very foul condition. The Executors of the late Mr. William
Cubitt were written to upon the subject, who immediately
carried out such suggestions as were calculated to
obviate the ill effects that might arise.
The next and last point is one of considerable importance
as regards the health of a portion of the Belgrave Sub-district,
and we earnestly desire to obtain a remedy for it,—we refer
to the open state of part of the King's Scholars' Pond Sewer,
which has been often before reported upon, and public attention
drawn to it in the Times of July 13,1857. We are told
to wait until the main drainage scheme is brought into