London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southwark 1962

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southwark, Borough of]

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Department Laundry
In addition to the washing of towels, wraps etc., used during
the treatment of cases, the following articles were laundered:
Hand towels 2,024
Roller towels 274
Dusters 442
Sheets 74
White coats 163
Table cloths 9
Overalls 4
Effects destroyed on request or following death.
Verminous 2 tons 17½ cwts.
Disinfestation and Disinfection of Premises and Trade Goods
(Bugs, Pleas, Cockroaches, moths, flies, beetles, etc.)
Domestic dwellings 1,199 rooms
Business premises 9
Public Conveniences 454
Institutions, Public
buildings etc. 22 rooms and passages
8 complete sections
Goods disinfected 588 bales waste paper
Sundry items from hospitals 8 collections.
National Assistance Act (Burials)
Enquiries on 13 deaths.
Bathing of Aged Persons
143 baths.
Incontinent Laundry Service
Articles Laundered (Southwark) (weight 24,134 lbs)
Sheets 3,596
Draw Slips 3,774
Pillow Slips 2,571
Blankets 160
Clothing articles 14,382
Quilts 277
Articles Laundered (Lambeth)
Total weight 24,940 lbs.