London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southwark 1925

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southwark, Borough of]

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1,761 deaths were registered in the sub-districts of the Borough
during 1925.
31 of these deaths were of persons residins in other sanitary districts,
but who died in our streets or on the way to hospitals.
835 deaths occurred in the Poor-Law Institutions, the various
hospitals, and other public places for the treatment of the sick, found
within our boundaries. These deaths in iustitutions comprised 342
belonging to Southwark and 493 to other sanitary districts.
The number of inhabitants belonging to the Borough dying away
from home—that is outside our boundaries in the various hospitals and
infirmaries—was 1,228.
When the 524 deaths of those persons who were non-parishioners,
but who died in our Borough, have been deducted, and the 1,228" outlying"
deaths added, the actual or "corrected" number of deaths
belonging to the sanitary area is found to be 2,468 of which number
1,363 were males and 1,105 females.
The death-rate when calculated on this "corrected" number is 131
per 1,000 inhabitants for the whole Borough for the year 1925, as against
a rate of 14'2 -for 1924.
The percentage of persons dying away from Southwark in relation to
the total number of deaths belonging to the Borough was 45.7.
The principal localities in which the "outlying" deaths occurred
are as follows :—
Southwark Hospital 713
Mental Hospitals 103
Metropolitan Asylums Board Hospitals 69
St. Thomas's Hospital 69
Lambeth Hospital 23
Belgrave Hospital 9
King's College Hospital 28
Boyal Waterloo Hospital 17
In the Street and other Institutions 197
Total 1228