London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southwark 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southwark, Borough of]

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Case 37.—W. T., Painter, Married, Age 43 years.
Family History. Father died of Phthisis at 50 years of age.
Patient had Bronchitis and Pleurisy five years ago. Has
thinned a good deal in the last six months. Never spat
blood. Sputum positive for Bacilli. Has been out-patient at
St. Thomas' Hospital for some time. Has ceased to work
for three months.
Pulse 120. Temperature normal.
Dulness and rales over apex of right lung.
Admitted to Benenden November 19th, 1912. Discharged from
Benenden December 24th, 1912.
Number of days under treatment 36. No report received from
Benenden as to patients gain in weight, or condition of
disease on discharge.