London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southwark 1909

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southwark, Borough of]

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House to house inspections have been carried out in the following
Cavour street, Ventry place, Brune place, Steedman street, Longville
road, Arcot place, Peacock street, Collitch place, Amelia street,
Albion house, Crampton street, Chapter road, Dante road, Roy place,
Alberta cottages, New Street mews, Steedman place, Clock passage,
Penton place, Horse and Groom court, Ostend place, Hurlbutt place,
Sherston place, Brook street, Black Prince court, Wesley place, Danson
road, Hurlbutt cottages, Sharsted street, Farrell court, Roy place,
Alberta street.
Miscellaneous nuisances abated, with Localites.
Amimals :—
Fowls—Longville road.
Goats—Hurlbutt place.
Birds—Hurlbutt place.
Cats—Hurlbutt place.
Bats—Borrett road (several cases).
Burning Refuse—Walworth road.
Fish Offal —Draper street.
Improperly Removing Manure—Amelia street, Hampton street.
Refuse—Tarver road, New Kent road (several cases), Peacock yard,
Walworth road, Dante road.
Surface Water—Amelia street.
House to house inspections have been carried out in the following
localities :—
Alpha square, Farmer's road, South place, Otto street, Royal road,
Lucas road, Sutherland place, Sutherland square, Empress street, Montpelier
street, Aldred road, Grosvenor terrace, Grosvenor park.
Miscellaneous Nuisances abated, with Localities.
Animals :—
Fowls—Royal road, Grosvenor terrace (several cases), Olney street,
Jerome place.