London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1928

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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Section IV.
Housing Accommodation provided during 1928.

The number of families re-housed during the past year was as follow:

Families accommodated .Number of persons (approx.
(a) By the Poplar Borough Council:—
(1) in newly-erected houses--
(2) In adapted buildings213
(b) By the London County Council138690

In order to prevent, as far as possible, a recurrence of overcrowding
in premises vacated by families who have been re-housed by the Borough
Council, or by the London County Council, letters are sent to tenants
who are responsible for sub-letting, warning them that action will be
taken if the vacated accommodation again becomes overcrowded.


Year Ended December, 1928.

1.—General .

(1) Estimated population162,000
(2) General death rate118
(3) Death rate from tuberculosis (all forms)11
(4) Infantile mortality71
(5) Number of dwelling-houses of all classes (Census 1921)23.248
(6) Number of working-class dwelling-houses23,000 (approx.)
(7) Number of new working-class houses erected during 1928:—
(a) Total (including numbers given separately under (b) )1 house & 9 flats