London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1928

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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During the summer months of 1928 weekly inspections of stable
premises were resumed, and the frequent and complete removal of horse
manure insisted upon.
187 stables were inspected and reported upon, the total number of
inspections being 950.

The following infringements of the Bye-laws were dealt with

Accumulations of manure, or premises otherwise not clean75
Lack of ventilation1
Floors not properly drained5
Dung receptacles:—
(a) Not provided16
(b) Defective18
(c) Not covered9
Other defects27

134 Intimations were served, followed by 19 Notices and 6 Final
Notices. The works required were completed before the end of the year.
Lighting of Staircases in Tenement Buildings.
The provisions of the London County Council (General Powers) Act,
1927, Section 61, came into operation on the 1st August, 1928.
The action taken with regard to Section 61 of the London County
Council (General Powers) Act, 1927, was given in extenso in last year's
annual report. In all cases the lighting of staircases has been improved
and the requirements of the Act complied with.