London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1928

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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The following table relates to visited children of ages 1 to 5 years. On reaching the age of 5 years the completed Case Papers are forwarded to the Education Authority:—

Year of Birth.
Remaining under supervision:
End of first year2,971
,, second year2,905
,, third year2,742
,, fourth year2,939
Inward Transfers70568177
Visits discontinued4263
Outward Transfers160186221237
Remaining under supervision:
End of second year2,741
,, third year2,737
,, fourth year2,593
,, fifth year2,828
Mortality per 1,000 visited:
Second year22.(20.6)
Third year7.4 (10.8)
Fourth year6.1(5.7)
Fifth year5.6(4.2)

The figures in parentheses are the rates for the previous years.
Dr. E. M. Layman, the Medical Officer in charge of Artificial Sunlight
Treatment, has submitted the following interesting report:—
In presenting my report on the work of the Light Department for 1928
I propose to give a few figures, thus affording some precise information
as to results.