London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1922

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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Cleansing of premises was necessary in thirteen instances. Fifteen
other defects were found.
10 milkshops have been placed on the register during the year,
0 Poplar, 6 Bromley, and 4 Bow. 18 premises were on account of
change of occupiers re-registered as milkshops, 6 Poplar, 8 Bromley and
4 Bow.
The sale of milk was discontinued on 69 premises—20 Poplar,
34 Bromley and 15 Bow.
For milkshops connected with infectious diseases, see page 50.
London County Council (General Powers) Act, 1908.
Part II.
Sanitary Provisions.
Power to Sanitary Authorities to remove ?rom or refuse to
enter on Register Names of Dairymen in
certain Circumstances.
No circumstances arose during the year calling for the enforcement
of the power given to the Sanitary Authority under the London County
Council (General Powers) Act, 1908, Section (5).
100 smoke nuisances were dealt with during the year :—32 Bow East,
1 Bow West, 34 Bromley North, 22 Bromley Central, 3 East Combined,
8 West Combined, and 0 Poplar South. Two summonses were issued,
see page 93.
London County Council (General Powers) Act, 1902, Sec. 43.
There are 107 premises where ice creams are manufactured within
the Borough, on the register, 40 Poplar, 48 Bromley, and 19 Bow.
(See Table A, page 72.)
Cleansing of premises was necessary in 27 instances. 37 other
nuisances existed.