London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1914

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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The following is a tabulated statement of further details:— Tabulated statement of Inspections of Insanitary Conditions found existing, and of Re-inspections, &c., during the twelve months ended 31st December, 1914.

Poplar. Bromley.Bow.Total
Workshops, Workplaces, Laundries,&c., Number of, on the Register447483201
Workshops, Number of Workrooms therein67110126303
„ Number of Inspections of728091243
„ Number of Re-inspections of492435108
„ found to be overcrowded156
„ &c., newly discovered and registered511925
„ Workrooms therein measured462030
,, Reported to H.M. Inspector on discovery26816
Houses visited for enquiry at which no female hands were employed3197649232,006
Written intimations issued991634
Statutory Notices437
Final Notices
Works carried out under supervision:—
(a) Additional means of ventilation provided123
(b) Rooms cleansed and whitewashed362130
Overcrowding of Workrooms, cases of, abated1123
Visits re Scabies20332376
„ Phthisis244932105
,, Outworkers' Lists342646106
„ Inspection of Schools1614838
Verminous School Children203457272932
Miscellaneous Inspections18162761

I am, Sir,
Yours obediently,
Ctrl. Royal Sanitary Inst.