London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1914

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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In dealing separately with the sub-districts as above, it will be seen
by referring to Tables I., II., and III., that in considering the deaths of
non-residents and those from outlying institutions, certain additions and
deductions from the sub-districts have to be made in respect of themselves,
but when considering the Borough as a whole, then from the 2,694 deaths
which were registered there must be deducted 438 deaths of actual nonresidents,
and 520 deaths in institutions entirely outlying must be added,
making a total for the Borough of 2,776 upon which the death rate is

The 966 deaths in Poplar included 11 illegitimate children, 6 male and 5 female; the 1,125 deaths in Bromley included 7 illegitimate children, 5 male and 2 female ; the 685 Bow deaths included 10 illegitimate children, 4 male and 6 female, making a total for the Borough of 28 deaths of illegitimate children.


The excess of births was as follows:—

Males.Females.Total Gain.

The male births in the Borough exceeded those of the female by 89,
and the male deaths exceeded those of the female by 164, which makes
a gain of 75 females.
At the end of the years 1898, 1899 and 1900, there was a gain of
females from the Sub-Districts of Poplar and Bromley. In the Borough
for the years 1901-1909 and 1911-1913, there was also a gain of females,
but for the year 1910 the males gained over the females.