London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1914

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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Quarter.Total number of Cleanings.No. of First Cleanings.No. of Second Cleanings.Amount.
1914. March540308232£ s. d. 30 16 0
June46129117029 2 0
September25214610614 12 0
December15582738 4 0
Totals1,408827581£82 14 0

Representing 1,132 cleansings belonging to the Borough (555 males
and 577 females) and 276 cleansings outside the Borough (178 males and
98 females).
Miss Tattersall made 932 visits in connection with verminous
school children—203 Poplar, 457 Bromley, and 272 Bow.
Re-infesting of School Children and the purchasing of Secondhand
Wearing Apparel.
The Public Health and Housing Committee considered a communication
from Hackney Borough Council, calling attention to the re-infesting
of school children who had been cleansed at the Council's Cleansing
Station. Enquiries show that this is to a large extent due to purchase
of second-hand clothing at ragshops and other places, and it is suggested
that the sale of wearing apparel from rag-shops should be prohibited
by law, and offers made to sterilize second-hand clothing before use.
The Committee recommended the Council that the Local Government
Board and the London County Council be informed that the Council is
of opinion that the sale of wearing apparel from rag-shops should be
prohibited by law and that notices be circulated in the Borough pointing
out the necessity for sterilizing second-hand wearing apparel before use,
and undertaking such sterilization gratuitously, on application.
The following letter was addressed to pawnbrokers and dealers in
second-hand wearing apparel:—