London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1913

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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TABLE I.Deaths during the year 1913 in the Poplar Sub-District of the Metropolitan Borough of Poplar, classified according to localities.

Names of localities adopted for the purpose of these statistics: public institutions being shown as separate localities.1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter4th QuarterTotal.
Poplar Sub-District145106123127501
Union Workhouse1217111959
Baffin Buildings2.........2
Council Buildings...1113
Grosvenor Buildings683825
Hudson Buildings1......12
Hanbury Buildings1......12
Montreal Buildings.........11
Ontario Buildings...1...12
Ottawa Buildings............0
Prestage Buildings......2...2
Quebec Buildings2...226
Toronto Buildings............0
Winnipeg Buildings............0
River Thames24118
East India Docks11......2
West India Docks......1...1
South-West India Docks............0
Poplar Collier Dock...1......1
Millwall Docks...11...2
Limehouse Cut1.........1
Aberdeen Wharf............0
Millwall Baths...1......1
London Graving Dock............0
Deaths occurring outside the subdistrict among persons belonging thereto* +11310987111420†
Deaths occurring within the subdistrict among persons not belonging thereto121641244-
Deaths at all ages—nett275234228261998

* Including 220 deaths in the Bromley Sub-District:—Sick Asylum, 172; Poplar
Hospital, 29; Stepney Union Workhouse, 2; Bow Institution. 17.