London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1913

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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Illegitimate Births (1913).

Poplar (Sub.District).
Registrar's Weekly Returns272956
Births occurring outside the
Sub.District of persons belonging thereto:—
Poplar and Stepney Sick Asylum101
Births occurring within the Sub.District of persons not
belonging thereto:—
Poplar Union Workhouse97
31, Sturry Street31331023
Mellish Streetl0
Births, nett151934
Registrar's Weekly Returns221739
Births occurring outside the Sub.District of persons
belonging thereto:—
Poplar Union Workhouse6410
Births occurring within the Sub.District of persons not
belonging thereto:—.
Sick Asylum25
Stepney Union Workhouse10919
Births, nett181230
Registrar's Weekly Returns538
Births occurring outside the Sub.District of persons beloning thereto:—
Poplar Union Workhouse33
Poplar and Stepney369
Sick Asylum03
Births nett8917

making a corrected total of 81 illegitimate births for the Borough:—
41 males and 40 females. (See page 5 corrections received from Registrar