London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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Area of Borough (excluding Water)* 2,136 acres
„ Poplar Sub-District „ 1,004 „
„ Bromley „ „ 589 „
„ Bow „ „ 543 „
Population (Census 1911)—Borough 162,449
„ „ Poplar Sub-District 56,327
„ „ Bromley „ 65,285
„ „ Bow „ 40,837
„ Estimated to Middle of 1912—Borough 161,597
„ „ „ Poplar Sub-District 56,035
Bromley „ 64,885
„ „ „ Bow „ 40,677
Density f—Borough 75.65
„ Poplar Sub-District 55.81
„ Bromley 110.16
,, Bow 74.91
Marriages—Borough 1,553
„ Poplar Sub-District 656
„ Bromley „ 551
„ Bow „ 346
Births—Borough 5,009
„ Poplar Sub-District1,664
„ Bromley „ 2,138
Bow „ 1,207
Birth Rate—Borough 30.93
„ Poplar Sub-District 29.69
„ Bromley „ 32.95
Bow „ 29.67
„ Poplar Sub-District 961
„ Bromley „ 1,056
Bow „ 635
Death Rate—Borough 16.41
„ Poplar Sub-District 17.14
„ Bromley „ 16.27
Bow „ 15.61
Infantile Mortality—Borough 108 per 1,000 births
„ Poplar Sub-District 119 „ „
„ Bromley „ 104 „ „
„ Bow „ 101 „ „
Inhabited Houses (Census 1911)—Borough 22,472
„ „ Poplar Sub-District 8,201
„ „ Bromley „ 8,721
„ ,, Bow „ 5,550
*Land and Inland Tidal Water
Inland Water. Water only. and Foreshore.
Acres. Acres. Acres.
Bow 555.7 12.5 9.8
Sub-Districts Bromley 605.8 17.3 19.1
Poplar 1166.2 161.9 296.9
Borough 2327.7 191.7 325.8
The last column "tidal water and foreshore" is not included in the first column,
and therefore must not be deducted to arrive at "land" area.
Without water.