London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Metropolitan Borough]

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The arrangement had worked satisfactorily, and the Committee
recommended the Council that the Agreement with the London County
Council for cleansing verminous inmates of common lodging-houses be
renewed for a period of three years.
On 21st March a communication was received from the Medical
Officer of Health, London County Council, that he had been informed
by the Commandant of the Discharge Depot, Gosport, that five persons
had arrived at that port, in apparently good health, by the Ex. H.T.
" Dongola " from abroad, on which vessel a case of Small Pox occurred
during the voyage, and that the persons mentioned were proceeding to
addresses in Poplar. Four were found to be in good health, but one could
not be traced at the address given. The Medical Officer of Health,
London County Council, was duly informed of this by letter dated 25th
On 4th April notices were received from the Port Medical Officer of
Southampton of three persons proceeding to addresses in the borough
from the s.s. H.T. " Plassy," and that a case of Small Pox had occurred
on board and had been removed to Port Sanitary Hospital Ship on 2nd
April. These persons were traced and reported to be in good health.
On the 9th April notice was received from the Medical Officer of
Health, London County Council, that a person was proceeding to an
address in the borough from the H.T. " Plassy," and that a case of
Small Pox had occurred during the voyage. Some difficulty was
experienced in tracing this man, but he was eventually found and reported
to have been unwell and to have been visited by a medical practitioner
who diagnosed his complaint as Ague.
On 1st July notice was received from the Medical Officer of Health
for the Port of London that three persons were proceeding to addresses
in Poplar from the s.s. "Culna" from Bombay, and that a case of
Small Pox had occurred on board the vessel on 20th June. The Sanitarv
Inspector reported that the persons referred to were in good health and
were going away on 3rd July.
No passengers from a plague stricken foreign port were reported as
proceeding to the Poplar borough.