London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Poplar 1895

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Poplar, Bromley, South District comprising the parishes of All Saints Poplar and Bromley Saint Leonard]

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interior of bakehouses, and provisions as to sleeping-places near
I called the Committee's attention to Sub-section (2) as it appeared
to affect the 23 bakehouses in the parishes which have drains and
connected sinks inside, and is as follows : in Section 15 of the Factory
and Workshops Act, 1883, the words, "which was not so let or
occupied before the 1st day of June, One thousand eight hundred
and eighty-three," shall be repealed.
Section 15 of the 1883 Act reads—"It shall not be lawful to let
or suffer to be occupied as a bakehouse, or to occupy as a bakehouse
any room or place which was not so let or occupied before the 1st
day of June, One thousand eight hundred and eighty three, unless
the following regulations are complied with." This section, by the
Factory and Workshop Act of 1895, will read: "It shall not be
lawful to let or suffer to be occupied as a bakehouse, any room or
place, unless the following regulations are complied with :
(i.) No water closet, earth-closet, privy, or ash-pit, shall be within
or communicate directly with the bakehouse.
(ii.) Any cistern for supplying water to the bakehouse shall be
separate and distinct from any cistern for supplying water to a
(iii ) No drain or pipe for carrying off fœcal or sewage matter
shall have an opening within the bakehouse.
Any person who lets or suffers to be occupied, or who occupies any
room or place as a bakehouse in contravention of this Section shall
be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding forty shillings,
and to a further fine not exceeding five shillings for every day during
which any room or place is so occupied after a conviction under this
It will be seen that there was no power to cause these openings to