London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Paddington 1946

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Paddington, Metropolitan Borough of]

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On the one hand there is a body of property owners eager to keep their property in good repair and willing to
spend as much as they are allowed in order to do so; on the other hand there are several speculative landlords in the
borough bent on extracting as much rent as possible before selling again, who have little or no regard to the state of
repair of the premises purchased. Some of these houses change hands two or three times within a few months, during
which time it may be impossible to have repairs carried out owing to the difficulty in ascertaining the owner. In cases
of excessive delay in executing essential repairs, and where no adequate and reasonable excuse was forthcoming, it
has been necessary for the Council to institute legal proceedings. The details are set out in the body of the report.
In my opening paragraph mention was made that much of my knowledge of this report was not first hand, but
I wish to place on record that this has been but a small handicap as I was fortunate in having the collaboration of the
Acting Medical Officer of Health for some time after taking up my duties. To take over the work from so distinguished
and energetic a colleague as Dr. Charles Porter was in itself a pleasurable education and a privilege few have shared.
Dr. Porter referred in his 1945 Report to Dr. Oates' retirement, for health reasons, after 20 years of valuable service,
and also to Dr. Bulman's interim period of office.
I wish to place on record my indebtedness and thanks to the Council, particularly the chairmen and members of
the Public Health, Maternity and Child Welfare, and Housing Committees for their encouragement and kindness.
Similarly, heads of departments and other officers of the Council have assisted me and shown me every consideration
for which I express my gratitude.
The Health and Welfare staffs have given me their fullest support in the difficult transition to peace time conditions.
I have the honour to be-
Mr. Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your obedient servant,
Medical Officer of Health.
Public Health Department,
15, Park Place Villas,
Paddington Green, W.2.
30th May, 1947.