London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Paddington 1904

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Paddington, Metropolitan Borough of]

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As to remedies to check the loss of infant lives, it is not easy to lay down any definite
suggestions within the space allotted to this introduction. Many advocate municipal milk
supplies, creches, etc. Useful as they have been found to be, I regard them only as
makeshifts. Permanent results can only be hoped for from radical changes in the system of
education of girls—the future mothers.
The work of the Department during the year was uneventful. The two most notable
incidents were the legal proceedings for the sale of tuberculous pigs and the preparation of
new By-laws for houses let in lodgings.
As to the future—the disposal of refuse of all kinds will demand early consideration.
The ultimate adoption of destruction of house refuse by incineration appears to be inevitable.
Municipal disposal of manure and offensive refuse of all descriptions will also be necessary.
The housing question still awaits solution, although at present there seems to be a fair
amount of accommodation available in the Borough.
In conclusion, I must express my satisfaction with the manner in which all members of
the Staff have worked during the year. I desire also to acknowledge the cordial co-operation
of the medical profession practising in the Borough, and to thank the Chairman and
Members of the Public Health Committee for the sympathetic consideration always
afforded to me.
I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,
m.a., m.b., d.p.h., f s.s.,
Medical Officer of Health.
Public Health Department,
Paddington, W.
May, 1905.