London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lewisham 1963

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham Borough]

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continued desire of the public to become owner-occupiers. It
was noted that having purchased their homes a greater number
were anxious to improve the condition of them. This is shown
by a considerable increase in the number of improvement grants.
It is hoped that the standard in all these cases may soon include
the provision of a bathroom with a hot-water supply, an internal water
closet and proper provision for the storage of food. The number of
complaints investigated rose considerably and is reflected in the service
of 536 intimation notices compared with 385 in 1962. An increase
occurred in the issue of formal notices under the Housing Act, 1961,
the Clean Air Act, 1956, as well as the Public Health (London) Act,
1936. The number of visits to outworkers continues to fall showing
that this type of work in the Borough is gradually disappearing, being
almost confined now to the making up of clothing. The registration of
hairdressers showed a slight increase and it is pleasing to note that no
adverse comments were made on the new applications, thus indicating
the desire to provide good hygienic conditions. Finally, the steady
increase of inspections of houses in multiple occupation was maintained,
the number of formal notices being doubled. A great deal however, was
achieved by informal action and conditions in this type of property
were very much improved.