London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lewisham 1959

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham Borough]

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The following 244 new dwellings were completed by the Council
during the year:—
Adelaide Avenue 20
Boone Street 18
Church Vale 24
Dacre Park 12
Exbury Road 21
Fludyer Street 8
Hurstbourne Road 8
Ivy Road 34
Lawrie Park Gardens 20
Lee Church Street 35
Paragon Place 24
Porthcawe Road 8
Southbrook Road 1,2
Families rehoused for first time
During the year the following families were rehoused:—
1. By the Lewisham Borough Council:—
(a) in permanent properties 92
(b) in temporary bungalows 8
(c) in requisitioned properties —
2. By the London County Council (figures supplied
by district offices) 62
N.B. — Number of families where points had been awarded
for bedroom deficiency, rehoused by the Lewisham
Borough Council or the London County Council
during the year 110
Housing Act, 1957
Repair of houses (sections 9 and 10)
During the year 14 informal and 13 formal notices were served.
14 properties were repaired by the owners after service of notices;
in four cases properties were repaired by the Council under section 10 in
default of the owners.
Demolition Orders and Closing Orders (whole house)
The following is a list of cases involving procedure for demolition
orders or for complete closure of houses which originated in or were
complied with during 1959, together with the present position of cases
originating in previous years which had not been complied with at the
end of 1958 :—