London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lewisham 1954

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham Borough]

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Swimming baths
The following is a summary of samples taken by the health
department staff for submission to the public analyst for examination
of chlorine content and to the Public Health Laboratory Service for
bacteriological examination Chlorine Bacteriological
content examination
Bellingham 3
Downham 10 -
Ladywell — east pool 4 1
— west pool 2 -
Forest Hill north pool 4 -
—south pool 3 1
Private baths 3 4
A detailed report on the use of breakpoint chlorination, which is
the method employed at the baths, was included in my annual report
for 1950.
National Assistance Act, 1948 — section 50
During the year the Council accepted responsibility for the burial
of 5 persons, at a net cost of £21 7s. Od.
Dog nuisances
No proceedings were taken during the year.
Drainage work
During the year 192 plans were submitted to the sanitary inspectors
for examination and approval.
Old people
The Council continued to make grants to organisations in the
borough which are carrying out work for old people, whether by recreational
facilities or by the provision of meals. A sum of ,£2,500 was
included in the annual estimates for the year 1954—55 for such
organisations as accepted the Council's conditions and to assist an)
other such voluntary organisations as might be established during thai
year. Reports were made to the Public Health committee giving details
of the work undertaken by the voluntary organisations and as a resuli
grants were made as follows :— £
Lewisham Old People's Welfare Association 1,800
Lewisham Darby and Joan Club 300
St. Mark's Old Folks' Club 65
Talbot Settlement Old People's Club 22
The Good Companions Personal Service 30
St. Swithun's OAP Association 50
Bellingham Old People's Club 50
St. Philip's Darby and Joan Club 20
The Friendly Club (for the Over-sixties) 37 10s.
This left a sum of money available for new clubs which mighl
qualify for grant. At the end of the calendar year one further applicatior
was under consideration.