London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lewisham 1950

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham Borough]

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My thanks are also due to the Public Health committee for their
support and guidance in the work done. The committee at the end of
the year was constituted as follows:—
Councillor H. M. Pinnell (Chairman); Councillor C. P.
Braithwaite (Vice-Chairman); The Mayor (Alderman Stafford W.
Moys, j.p.).; Aldermen Mrs. N. M. Huggett and C. Street;
Councillors Mrs. S. H. Armstrong, Mrs. B. Beardwell, Mrs. N. L.
Bunce, A. O. Carter, Mrs. B. M. Drapper, j.p., R. L. Evans,
W. J. Fisher, Miss M. S. Halsey, E. F. Hasling, F. E. G. Hawes,
Mrs. G. M. M. Land, Mrs. M. Smith, P. E. Stoffel and J. H. Tutt.