London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lewisham 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham Borough]

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Early in the year a survey of the Public Health Services of the
Borough was carried out by Sir Weldon Dalrymple-Champneys and
Dr. I. D. Cameron at the request of the Minister of Health. In
October, the following letter was received by the Council from the
Minister of Health in connection with the survey, containing
criticisms and suggestions in relation to particular services. The
letter is as follows : -—
Ministry of Health,
19 th October, 1933.
I am directed by the Minister of Health to state that he has
had under consideration the report made by Medical Officers of the
Department after their recent survey of the public health services of
the Borough.
So far as can be judged from a general survey, it appears that
the Council are maintaining a reasonable standard of efficiency in the
discharge of their functions relating to public health, but the Council
will readily appreciate that there remain, in relation to particular
services, opportunities for improvement in a number of respects.
Maternity and Child Welfare.
(а) There is a need for more frequent visits to the homes of
children between the ages of 1 and 5 and for additional infant
welfare sessions. The time of the existing officers appears to be
already fully occupied, and some increase in the staff of heath
visitors would appear to be required for this expansion of service
as and when circumstances permit.
(b) At the same time the Council will appreciate that the conditions
of service for the staff of health visitors employed on this work
are an important factor in its success. The Minister is glad to
learn from the report of the attention and interest devoted to
Maternity and Child Welfare work both by the Borough
Council's staff and by the voluntary workers concerned with the
service, and it appears to him that having regard to the salaries
paid generally in London to health visitors, the question of
making some revision of the salaries paid to their health visitors
at the present time merits consideration by the Council.
(c) The Minister notes the record of work done at the municipal
Maternity Home. He regards it, however, as essential for the
continual safe working of the Institution that an isolation room
should be provided and he trusts that early consideration will be
be given to this matter.