London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lewisham 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham Borough]

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The population of the Borough at the Census in 1921 was
The Registrar-General's estimate of the population in 1929
is 207,900.
This figure has been employed in calculating the various
mortality and other rates which appear in this Report.
The number of births in 1929, after correction for inward
and outward transfers, was 3,267, compared with 3,036 in 1928.
This number is equivalent to a birth-rate of 15.7 per
thousand of the population, and is a very slight increase on the
year 1928, when the birth-rate was 15.2 per thousand.
The number of illegitimate infants born was 105 equivalent
to 3.2 per cent. of the total.
The number of marriages registered in the Borough during
the year was 1,443. Of this number, 689 were solemnized in
the Established Church, 204 at Nonconformist Places of Worship,
and 550 at the Register Office.
The number of deaths of Lewisham Residents registered
during 1929 was 2,409.
The death-rate was 11.5 per thousand of the population,
compared with 10.0 per thousand in 1928.
The principal causes of death are summarised in the following