London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1971

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth Borough]

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efficient and well-orientated exercise. We also hope that it might be possible
at some time in the future to make joint appointments so that individual
doctors or paramedical personnel may have defined duties and responsibilities,
both inside hospital and in the community. The stimulus for the development of
the integration of the work of the hospital and the community has stemmed
very largely from the Health Department of Lambeth Council and we are
very grateful to Dr. Thrower for this stimulus and for his continued help and
(signed) C. Eric Stroud
Post Graduate Training of Medical Officers
Medical Officers employed by the Council attended several courses
organised by various academic bodies; the main topic was the health and the
education of a normal and/or handicapped child. The number of doctors
given the opportunity was not very high because the shortage of medical
staff in Lambeth is considerable.
The main event of in-service training was the one day Conference of
"Day to Day Care of the Handicapped Child" in January 1971. The team of
expert speakers was chaired by Dr. A.L. Thrower. The Conference was
extremely well attended by doctors working full-time and part-time for the
Borough, several Health Visitors, and also two teachers from former Training
Centres. The expert catering by Mr. Wild and his team added to the success
of the Conference.
In April, November, and December, several groups of doctors from other
authorities in England, Wales, and Scotland, received training in developmental
assessment of children by a doctor from our Department, at the request of the
Society of Medical Officers of Health. The teaching sessions were carried out
in Tulse Hill and Coral Day Nursery, and the hospitality of staff in both
Nurseries was greatly appreciated by the post-graduate students.
Dr. O. Nietupska,
Principal Medical Officer