London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1948

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth Borough]

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handling by him of food for human consumption. There is no
similar legal authority to enable the like measures to be taken
against a carrier of bacillus aertrycke or other salmonella organism.
The Medical Officer of Health has suggested to us that some such
power should be available, and that the Minister of Health should
be approached to that effect. He is of opinion, however, that
greater success would follow if the public conscience were awakened
to the extreme laxity which exists almost everywhere in connexion
with the various food trades. In some of the United States of
America and notably in Guildford in this country the trades concerned
have put their own house in order by adopting a high
standard of cleanliness in restaurants and cafes, and maintaining
that standard in order to qualify for the appropriate certificate to
hold it. Customers were soon educated to avoid all establishments
which could not or did not qualify, and there is no reason why
there should not be a much wider application of this movement
towards what is no more than a reasonable standard of cleanliness;
nothing impossible is asked of the ordinary employee, nothing
even difficult, but it would entail a routine washing drill and some
education of both staff and public in the simple elements of hygiene.
We concur in this opinion and have asked the Medical Officer of
Health to prepare a scheme for Lambeth upon which we will submit
a further report in due course.
With regard to the extension of the powers conferred upon the
Council by the Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations to
carriers of bacillus aertrycke or other salmonella organism, we
strongly support the suggestion of the Medical Officer of Health,
and accordingly recommend—
That the Minister of Health be asked to extend the powers
conferred upon the Council by the Public Health (Infectious
Diseases) Regulations to cover carriers of bacillus aertrycke or
other salmonella organism, and that the Metropolitan Boroughs'
Standing Joint Committee be asked to support the Council in
this request.
Following the outbreak of food poisoning consultations were
held with representatives of food traders' organisations in the
borough with the object of preventing similar outbreaks in the
future. By the end of the year matters were well advanced, and a
report had been prepared which provided a basis for founding an
association for promoting the hygienic handling of food.
In the appendix will be found copies of the Articles of the
Lambeth Clean Food Association, of the certificate issued, and of
the code of practice to which all applicants must subscribe.