London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1945

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth Borough]

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Every child as a routine on entering is prophylactically treated
against diphtheria and whooping cough and no quarantine measures
for infectious disease of any kind are observed. Parents are
informed when a case of infectious disease occurs and the patient
is either nursed at home or goes to hospital, depending upon circumstances,
but no other children are excluded from the nursery.
Any mother who wishes to keep her child away during an epidemic
may do so with the knowledge that the place will be kept, but it
is seldom that advantage is taken of this. Any vacancy which
occurs is filled at once from the waiting list, the mother first being
warned of the infection. The incidence of infection in the nurseries
has shown no tendency to wax or wane as the result of pursuing
this policy while from the nursery angle it is always kept full and
never has to bother about quarantine measures.
There have been occasional cases of enteritis but the practice
when a case occurs of keeping bowls with Condy's fluid in which the
staff rinse their hands before handling food and utensils in the
kitchen or serving meals has again proved effective in preventing
an epidemic. The bowls apart from the disinfectant are a reminder
of the perpetual need for personal cleanliness.
Summary of Work Done by the Official
Health Visitors.
Ante-natal visits 1,339
Ante-natal re-visits 132
Births, 1st visits 1,610
Births, re-visits 298
Births, stillborn 45
Ophthalmia, 1st visits 35
Ophthalmia, re-visits 21
Infantile deaths, visits 30
Welfare Centres attendances 160
Diphtheria prevention clinic attendances 220
Post-natal visits 1,698
Visits to children 1-5 years 282
Puerperal Pyrexia visits 25
Puerperal Pyrexia, re-visits 10
Special visits : evacuation, scabies, etc. 1,646