London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth Borough]

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Milk Supply.
150 applications (including 18 additional) were approved by the
Borough Council for registration under the Milk and Dairies Order,
1926. 67 of the applications were change of purveyor at registered
premises, 61 were for the sale of milk in sealed bottles only, and
4 for wholesale and retail trade in the borough by firms resident
outside the borough.
Special licences were issued in accordance with the Milk
(Special Designations) Order, 1923, as follows :—
"Certified" Milk, 13; "Grade A" (Tuberculin Tested), 21; "Grade
A," 9 ; "Pasteurised" Milk, 35 (Pasteuriser's Licence 2, Dealer's
Licence, 33) (61 premises) ; Supplementary Licences, 21.
Meat and Other Foods.
(a) Public Health (Meat) Regulations, 1924.
(1) Number of *visits paid to slaughterhouses 116
(2) Number of *visits paid to meat shops, meat stalls, and
meat stores 701
(3) Number of actual slaughterings at which one or other of
the food inspectors was present, consisting of beasts (5),
sheep (447), pigs (256), and calves (16) 724
(4) Carcases, or portions of carcases, condemned 19
* Visits include re-visits also.
Of the 724 actual slaughterings, at which one or other of the food
inspectors was present, and in connection with which 19 carcases or
portions of carcases were condemned, the diseases necessitating such
condemnation were as follows :—
1 head (tuberculosis). 14 whole carcases and organs (swine
2 mesenteries (tuberculosis). fever)
1 liver (cirrhosis)
1 head and tongue (tuberculosis)