London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth Borough]

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year upon 254½ working days, giving an average daily total of
47.5 children accommodated. The gross cost per child per day is
under two shillings, of which the food represents less than
The medical officer in charge examines half the children each
week and prescribes special treatment as required, such as ultra
violet light, from the apparatus installed on the premises.
Applications for admission are made at the welfare centres in
order to insure that those most in need are accepted, and each
must obtain a recommendation from the health visiting staff of
the local welfare centre, who, naturally, have first-hand intimate
knowledge of the home conditions.
The administration is directed by an executive committee composed
of representatives of the voluntary subscribers and of the
Borough Council.