Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth Borough]
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premises, which are better suited for administrative purposes, or
enlargement of existing centres' premises subject to such newlystarted
or new or enlarged premises being approved as part of the
Council's Maternity and Child Welfare Scheme, and subject to the
previous sanction of the Ministry of Health.
The Lambeth Scheme (Maternity and Child Welfare) is completed,
now that the Lambeth Borough Council Maternity Home
at Knight's Hill has been inaugurated and opened to the Public;
and the statistics of work done during 1927 are as satisfactory as
those for many years past. The intimate inter-relationship between
voluntary effort and public municipal administration is the secret
of the Lambeth Maternity and Child Welfare Scheme's success in
practical working. Each Centre has to provide locally 12½ per cent.
of the total maintenance expenses and this is becoming more difficult
year by year. It may be that, eventually, the Council and the
Ministry will have to meet all expenses.
Lambeth Milk Assistance Scheme (Free or Aided Supplies).
The Lambeth Milk Assistance Scheme is still in existence,
and proving of value, though not so valuable as it would be if the
Ministry of Health's scale as to income limit were more generous.
The Old Milk Orders and the unrestricted Milk Assistance Scheme
had proved, beyond doubt, since 1918, the great value of milk as an
accessory food for expectant and nursing mothers and for children
under 5 years of age, not only in Lambeth Borough but elsewhere.
The administration of the Lambeth Milk Assistance Scheme is
carried out by the different Welfare Centres (including the Milk
The figures giving the cost of the Lambeth Milk Assistance
Scheme (free or aided supplies) are interesting as showing the comparatively
large amount of milk (ordinary milk and dried milk),
which has been distributed under such Scheme, which first came into
force on February 8th, 1918, under powers given by the Milk
(Mothers and Children) Order, 1918, and the Local Authority (Food
Control Order (No. 1), 1918. The figures are as follows:—