London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Islington 1963

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Islington Borough]

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Summary of Work done by District Public Health Inspectors
(i) Inspections
Houses/flats inspected under Public Health (London) Act, 1936 6 , 38?
Sepnrate lettings 13,062
Revisits Houses/flats 13,505
Separate lettings 28,2 13
(ii) Other inspections and visits
Miscellaneous 4, 100
Prevention of Damage by Pests Act, 1949 133
Infectious Diseases 492
National Assistance Acts, 1948 and 1951 (Aged & Infirm) 120
Factories Act, 1961 - Outworkers 91
Pet Animals Act, 1951 41
Consumer Protection Act, 1961, and Regulations 15
Noise Nuisances 92
Food Premises 272
Housing Act, 1961 (Houses in Multiple occupation) 1,040
Non-effective visits 3,962
(Hi) Nuisances and Notices
Notices served - Public Health (London) Act, 1936
(a) Intimation 4,218
(b) Statutory 2,159
Notices complied with - Public Health (London) Act, 1936
(a) Intimation 1,884
(b) Statutory 895
Nuisances found 6,383
Nuisances abated 7,468
Number of houses improved 3,45.2
Separate letting in above 3, 450
Total number of improvements to dwelling houses 6,985
(iv) Legal Proceedings
Informations prepared 101
Abatement Orders made by Magistrate 39
Abatement Orders complied with 1
Further Proceedings for disobedience of Abatement Orders 8
(v) Drainage
Plans examined 464
Examinations and Tests 260
(vi) Complaints
Outstanding (at end of 1962) 209
Received during the year 5,075 plus 425
repeated complaints
Dealt with during year 5,067
Outstanding (at end of 1963) 217
(vii) Land Charges Act, 1925
Enquiries received 3,898
Properties involved 4,776
Investigations 4,776