London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1963

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Holborn Borough]

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Staff medical examinations are undertaken on the following occasions.
(a) Entrants to the Established Staff. All persons appointed to the established staff
are medically examined, unless they are already established local authority officers.
In general, non-established staff are first examined as soon as it seems reasonably
certain that they will remain in the Council's employ. They are examined again
immediately prior to joining the establishment.
(b) After sickness. Staff whose sick pay has expired are examined to evaluate the
probability of their return to duty. A report is sent to the appropriate committee.
(c) Age. Certain staff who wish to continue working after the normal age for retirement
are examined to determine their fitness to do so. Motor drivers are examined
at the ages of 55 years and 60 years and thereafter annually.

The following table gives the numbers and results of examinations conducted during 1963.

No. of ExaminationsResults
First examination78Fit for employment102
Second examination26Decision deferred5
By reason of age3

A decision is deferred when further observation or investigation of an abnormality
is desirable, or to enable the applicant to obtain treatment for a remediable defect.
In addition 16 examinations were made of 11 persons who had had long periods of
sickness. In all cases the general practitioner was consulted. As a result of these
deliberations, three persons were considered to be "incapable of discharging the duties of
their employment by reason of permanent ill health or infirmity of body."
Fifty-four applications for exemption from parking meter charges were referred
by the Borough Engineer for medical opinion, necessitating medical examinations in respect
of 39 of these applicants.
The register of Elderly Holborn Residents which is kept consists of names supplied
by persons and organisations interested in the welfare of the aged. It includes members
of Old Peoples' Clubs and those who are visited by other organisations. The remainder
are visited regularly by the Social Workers. The state of the register at the end of the
year was:—