London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1963

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Holborn Borough]

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Installation of New Furnaces
In fourteen cases notice was received under subsection (3) of section 3 of the Clean Air
Act, 1956 of a proposal to instal a furnace in the Borough, and in one case plans and
specifications of a furnace were submitted to and approved by the Council as being deemed
to comply with the provisions of subsection (1) of that section which requires that a new
furnace shall be as far as practicable capable of being operated continuously without
emitting smoke when burning fuel of a type for which the furnace was designed.
Smoke Control Areas
Since 1st December, 1962, when the last Holborn Smoke Control Order became
operative the whole of the Borough has been a smoke control area. During the year
two hundred and one applications for grant were approved in connection with the
adaptation of fireplaces, the total cost of the work amount to £3,333 9s. 5d. of which
£1,000 0s. l0d. was borne by the Council, £1,333 7s. 9d. by the Exchequer and £1,000 0s. l0d.
by the applicants.
Pharmacy and Poisons Act, 1933
This Act, the Poisons Rules, 1963, and the Poisons List Order, 1952/63, regulate
the sale of poisons, and every local authority is required to keep a list of persons who are
entitled to sell poisons included in Part II of the Poisons List.
During the year 1963, 33 applications were received for retention on this Council's
list. Two applications were received for entry on the list.
Rag Flock and Other Filling Materials Act, 1951
This Act and the Regulations of 1961, require the registration of premises where
specified filling materials are used in connection with certain upholstering and filling
processes, and require premises used for the manufacture or storage of rag flock to be
Four premises in the Borough are registered under the Act, but no premises are
licensed for the manufacture or storage of rag flock.

Housing Acts 1957—1961

The following is a summary of action under the above Acts during the year 1963.

Slum Clearance
Houses included in clearance areas15
Houses included in clearance areas and demolished8
Houses repaired as a result of action under Sees. 9 and 10Nil
Houses made the subject of demolition ordersNil
Houses demolished as a result of demolition ordersNil
Houses made the subject of closing orders1
Parts of buildings made the subject of closing orders3
Parts of buildings closed by undertakingNil
Underground rooms made the subject of closing orders3
Underground rooms closed by undertakingNil
Closing orders determinedNil
No. of flats erected by the Council during the year48