London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1958

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Holborn Borough]

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Houses Let in Lodgings
Number in Borough 266
Inspections made 43
On the 1st January, 1958, 141 families were known to be living in overcrowded
conditions. During the year a further 2 families were found to be living in overcrowded
conditions. In 13 cases, overcrowding was abated during the year as follows:—
Families rehoused by the Holborn Borough Council 1
Families rehoused by the London County Council 9
Accommodation found by other means 1
Size of family decreased 2
During the year 35 visits were made by the Public Health Inspectors in connection with
conditions of overcrowding.
In cases where overcrowding is abated, a warning letter is sent to the owner of the
premises drawing attention to the relevant provisions of the Housing Act, 1957.
Rent Act, 1957
The following particulars were supplied to the Minister of Housing and Local Government
in accordance with Circular No. 32/57 dated 6th June, 1957:—

Applications for Certificates of Disrepair

(1) Number of applications for certificates6
(2) Number of decisions not to issue certificatesNil
(3) Number of decisions to issue certificates8
(a) in respect of some but not all defects8
(b) in respect of all defectsNil
(4) Number of undertakings given by landlords under paragraph 5 of the First Schedule4
(5) Number of undertakings refused by Local Authority under proviso to paragraph 5 of the First ScheduleNil
(6) Number of certificates issued6
Applications for Cancellation of Certificates
(7) Applications by landlords to Local Authority for cancellation of cer- tificates3
(8) Objections by tenants to cancellation of certificates1
(9) Decisions by Local Authority to cancel in spite of tenant's objection1
(10) Certificates cancelled by Local Authority2

Rodent Control
Prevention of Damage by Pests Act, 1949
This Act lays a duty upon a local authority to see that their district is kept free from
rats and mice. It empowers them to carry out inspections and to require owners and