London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Holborn Borough]

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B. Proceedings under Public Health Acts: —
(1) Number of dwelling-houses in respect of which notices were
served requiring defects to be remedied 322
(2) Number of dwelling-houses in which defects were remedied
after service of formal notices: —
(a) by owners 322
(b) by Local Authority in default of owners nil
C. Proceedings under Sections 11, 14, and 15 of the Housing
Act, 1925: —
(1) Number of representations made with a view to the making
of Closing Orders 15
(2) Number of dwelling-houses in respect of which Closing
Orders were made 11
(3) Number of dwelling-houses in respect of which Closing
Orders were determined, the dwelling-houses having been
rendered fit nil
(4) Number of dwelling-houses in respect of which Demolition
Orders were made nil
(5) Number of dwelling-houses demolished in pursuance of
Demolition Orders nil
distinguishing those built in the last two years and held under out
(1) Part III of the Housing Act, 1925, (2) Part II of the
Housing Act, 1925, and (3) other powers.
Part III Housing Act,
1926. One block
containing 30 tenements
(15 of the
tenements constructed during the past two years)
(1) General Observations as to Housing Conditions.
The types of houses in the Borough show, striking contrasts ranging from
oxpensive high-class residential flats to poor-class tenements and common lodging
houses. Also there is a number of) large hotels and many private hotels and
boarding houses. The working-class population is housed (1) in tenement lodging
houses of which 493 are registered; (2) in blocks of tenement dwellings including
some of an earlier and less satisfactory type as well as many modem selfcontained
tenements. A total of 2,525 tenements is provided in this type of
accommodation contained in 49 blocks of dwellings; (3) in six common lodging
houses providing accommodation for 835 persons, viz., 712 males and 123 females.