London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hampstead Borough]

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mothers or children under the age of 3 years; and in a few "special"
cases for children between 3 and 5 years.
159 children under 5 years of age have, in addition to the milk,
received free cod liver oil or emulsion.
Municipal Dental Clinic.
The Municipal Dental Clinic is held at the Public Health Station,
Lithos Road; the Dentist is Mr. Roy M. Hastings, L.D.S., R.C.S. Eng.

The following is a summary of the work carried out during the year:—

Number of Sessions held75
Number of New Patients253
Total Attendances of all patients1167
Number of Fillings371
Number of Scalings45
Extraction casesTotal Number of Teeth extracted854
Gas Administrations208
Local Administrations21
Without An æsthetic1
Number of Dentures (including repairs)79
Number of Dressings and Root Treatment158
Number for Advice314
Number of Denture visits253

Prior to October, 1933, two Dental Clinics were in operation in
the Borough, viz.:—(a) the Municipal Dental Clinic at 27, Pond
Street, for patients residing on the eastern side of the Borough, with
an average attendance per session of 9 (1 session weekly), and (b) the
Dental Clinic held by The Hampstead Council of Social Welfare at the
Health Institute, Kingsgate Road, for patients residing on the western
side of the Borough, with an average attendance per session of 6 (1
session weekly).
This arrangement terminated on the 30th September, 1933, when
it was decided to hold a central Dental Clinic only, viz.: the Municipal
Dental Clinic at the Public Health Station, Lithos Road. This Clinic
was at once a great success. During the 15 months—October, 1933,
to December, 1934,—no less than 1,498 attendances were made, with