London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hampstead Borough]

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Eastern Clinic: One session weekly (viz., Tuesday at 2 p.m.) at
27, Pond Street. Held in the premises of the Day Nursery, for
which the Borough Council pays a rent of £100 per annum.
The Medical Officer in attendance (Dr. Kidd) is a part-time
officer appointed by the Borough Council, whilst a Health Visitor is
present at each session.
(a) Total number of attendances by expectant mothers at the
Ante-natal Clinics during the year—2,019.
(b) Total number of expectant mothers who attended at the
Ante-natal Clinics during the year—451.
(c) Percentage of total notified births (live and still) represented
by the number in (b)—45 per cent.
In addition, 117 mothers attended at the Clinics to receive postnatal
care, making a total number of attendances of 210. Of the 117
mothers, 24 attended for the first time during the year.
The following is the report for the year 1935 of the Medical
Officer of the Council's Ante-natal Clinics, Miss Mary Kidd, M.B.,
B.S. (Lond.):—
To the Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors
of the Metropolitan Borough of Hampstead.
Mr. Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I beg to submit the following report on the working of the Borough Council's Ante-natal Clinics during the year 1935:—

Pond Street Clinic. (1 session weekly.)Kilburn Clinic. (2 sessions weeklv.)
New patients105127292307
Attendances of old patients51355113191252
Number of sessions held525199101
Average attendance per session11131615
Number of patients referred to Dental Clinic5147139116
Number of patients sent to Convalescent Homes53914

During the last year, 397 new patients attended the ante-natal
clinics. Of these, 169 were normal cases, 197 abnormal, 7 were found