London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1932

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hampstead Borough]

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Home Nursing.
The Staff of the two local District Nursing Associations are
available for the nursing of requisite cases.
Supply of Beds and Shelter.
The Borough Council supply a shelter to any suitable case where
there is accommodation for the erection of such. It was used on one
occasion in 1932. The Borough Council also supply on loan single
beds and bedding in order to effect the separation of infectious cases
of Tuberculosis. This facility was made use of in 4 cases during the
Public Health (Prevention of Tuberculosis} Regulations, 1925.
No person suffering from Tuberculosis of the respiratory tract,
and being in an infectious state, may work in connection with a dairy
which would involve milking, treatment of milk, or handling milkvessels.
No case arose during the year necessitating action to be taken
under these Regulations.
Tuberculosis Care Committee.
In the year 1923 the Borough Tuberculosis Care Committee was
established, and this took the place of the voluntary Tuberculosis
Care Committee which had previously existed. It is representative
of the following bodies :—
The Borough Council.
Hampstead Council of Social Welfare.
London County Council.
London Insurance Committee.
Invalid Children's Aid Association.
Local War Pensions Committee.
Ex-Service Benevolent Committee.
The representatives of the Borough Council are Mrs. Councillor
Dow, Mr. Councillor Baily and Mr. Councillor Parkes.
It works in close co-operation with the Tuberculosis Dispensary,
and every case of tuberculosis coming to the Dispensary, and others
of a Dispensary class, are put in touch with the Care Committee if
assistance of any kind is required.
The financial circumstances of all cases recommended for sanatorium
treatment under the tuberculosis scheme are investigated by