London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1964

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hammersmith Borough]

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Due possibly to the warmer summer, requests for spraying of premises infested
with vermin showed an increase, 111 complaints being received in respect of bugs,
7 of cockroaches, 3 of flies and 18 of fleas. As a precautionary measure 12 premises
were sprayed prior to removal of household effects to Council properties.
Premises are not normally sprayed following cases of the more common
infectious diseases unless a definite request is received. During the year 13 requests
for formaldehyde disinfection were received following death and illness. In most
cases the illness was not of an infectious nature and spraying was carried out
as a palliative treatment only. As a precautionary measure 21 dwellings were
treated following flooding from surcharged sewers.
This service cannot be provided by private enterprise as most of the linen,
from incontinent patients, is badly soiled and must receive special treatment. In
many cases the provision of clean linen once or twice a week provides that vital
extra assistance which makes all the difference to a family nursing a sick member
at home.

Origin of Requests for Service

District nurses or other nursing sisters56
Home Helps17
Welfare departments or health visitors39
The person concerned or his/her relations/friends23
Doctors or hospital almoners12
Voluntary societies5
Other sources2,

The output from the laundry continues to expand as the number of articles washed and ironed each year indicates.

New requests or request to restart a closed case164437384246611059613399
Requests within the Act10343232343756979112791
Number of persons served during the year, not all being new cases.12403939454571125139177154
N umber of cases reported or follow up visits to home26656064132151256348239292269
Certificates issued for collections during year1113503525111,0181,1371,5292,6383,4944,6505,476
Number of articles washed and ironed each year1,2013,9034,1375,58010,43711.50414,97725,45938,06955,51560,520
Maximum collec tions in any one week of the year10151419253852100107139154