London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1956

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hammersmith Borough]

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During the year 489 inspections of premises used in connection
with the processing and distribution of milk had been made by the inspectors.
Generally, the premises were found to be satisfactory. in 13
cases it was found necessary to send warning letters in respect of unsatisfactory
101 persons were registered as distributors of milk and 8 premises
were registered as dairies at the close of the year.
The Milk (Special Designation) (Pasteurised & Sterilised Milk)
Regulations 1949 and the Milk (Special Designation) (Raw Milk)
Regulations 1949.
in addition to the numbers of samples shown under "Sampling", 133
samples of Special Designated milk were taken under the above Regulations
from milk distributors, milk processing depots, hospitals, schools
and day nurseries. These samples were submitted for the phosphatase,
methylene blue and turbidity tests, the results of which are set out below
Class of Milk
Te sted
Te s t
Meth.Blue Test
Turbidity Testl
Passed j
Passed j
Failed j
Pasteurised 83 83 - 83 - - -
T.T.Pasteurised 22 22 - 22 - - -
Tested 12 - - 12 - - -
Sterilised 16 - - - 16 -
TOTAL 133 105 - 117 - 16 -
Two samples of Tuberculin Tested "raw" milk were submitted for biological
testing for the presence of tubercle bacili. in each case a negative
report was received. The test is made by injecting a preparation
of the milk to be tested, into the thigh of a guinea pig. At the end
of six weeks the animal is killed and an autopsy is carried out to ascertain
whether tuberculosis is present.

The following table shews the number of licences issusd under the above Regulations during 1956

Dealers (Pasteurisers) Licences2
Dealers (Sterilisers) "1
Tuberculin Tested65