Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Greenwich Borough]
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Notification has been received from the London County
Council that, in accordance with the compulsory powers obtained
under the London County Council (Tunnel and Improvements)
Act, 1938, for the purposes of the Blackwall Tunnel Duplication
scheme, they will be requiring, by the end of 1961, the land upon
which the Tunnel Avenue Convenience is situated.
Representations to the County Council have been made with
a view to obtaining an alternative site.
The following are the Drinking Fountains and Horse Troughs
in the Borough which are cleansed daily by the attendants attached
to the Department •—
Drinking Fountains
Armada Street, Deptford.
Blackheath (Andrew Gibb Memorial).
Blackheath (Greenwich Park).
Blackheath Hill, West Greenwich {disused).
Charlton Church Lane.
Westcombe Hill, Blackheath.
Horse Troughs
Charlton Church Lane.
Creek Road, Deptford.
Invicta Road, Blackheath.
Tunnel Avenue, East Greenwich.
In addition to the above-mentioned Drinking Fountains and
Horse Troughs one Council urinal and three others attached to
Public Houses are cleansed daily by two attendants.
Free hand-washing facilities, introduced in the interests of
Public Health during 1951, were continued with marked success
during the year and the following table gives an indication of the
growing use made of these facilities :—
Convenience | Men | Women | Total |
Batley Park | 6,007 | 5,896 | 11,903 |
Creek Road | 2,722 | 3,307 | 6,029 |
Greenwich South Street | 2,880 | 5,160 | 8,040 |
King William Walk | 2,788 | 16,837 | 19,625 |
2,580 | 4.326 | 6,906 | |
er's Hill Road | 4,128 | 4,231 | 8,359 |
Totals | 21,105 | 39,757 | 60.862 |
Disinfestation of Verminous Premises.—D.D.T. in kerosene
continues to give good results in dealing with verminous premises
when alternated with other vermicides such as Chlordane, Lindane